Creativity calls on something from within and it doesn't have to be on a grand scale. Look what God did when He spoke the world into existence.No matter how small a creative thought begins, it takes on a life of its own none the less, when it's finished.
It's most satisfying to write music this way and rarely a day goes by that I don't allow my fingers to play by themselves on the keys of my piano. It doesn't matter what key I start on - my mind scans the skills of scales, chords, and arpeggios from years of practice while I explore the patterns. Soon the sounds connect to experiences from my memories and the words join together and I'm running to find a pencil because its coming faster than I will be able to remember.
This simple chord progression (C to E minor resolved to G, then F,C, G, C ) became the basis for my Peace Anthem
What cost for freedom - the right of all?
What cost for justice - and peace forever more?
Should the cost of freedom bring Gods of War?
And the blood and the guts and the Horror?
When will the people cry out "No more!"
No more bombs, no more blood and NO MORE WAR!!
Why must we conquer our fellow man
Born to the earth - We are all made of the land.
Who gives this power to reign over a man
Let God rule within, Let no mortal win
Share freedoms hand
Of course the life of a song is in the hearing and that(music production) is a creation for another day.
Mother goose
What cost for justice - and peace forever more?
Should the cost of freedom bring Gods of War?
And the blood and the guts and the Horror?
When will the people cry out "No more!"
No more bombs, no more blood and NO MORE WAR!!
Why must we conquer our fellow man
Born to the earth - We are all made of the land.
Who gives this power to reign over a man
Let God rule within, Let no mortal win
Share freedoms hand
Of course the life of a song is in the hearing and that(music production) is a creation for another day.
Mother goose