I think I'm falling into a bad habit. It's becoming too easy to watch life go by rather than be active in it.
Remember that movie with Peter Sellers called "Being there"? All he would say no matter what would happen was "I like to watch." Thats because he was raised in an old mansion where all he did was watch TV and it became the sum total of his existence - except that when he finally was exposed to the outside world and gets hit by a car everyone he meets is fascinated by his philosophy (sort of a pre Forest Gump style)
Its not a dramatic movie by any means - more comedic but it makes you think about how people can misinterpret each others actions.
And thats the problem-he wasn't active at all in his own life. Just carried along by others and their decisions for him.
The difference is I am twice the age of Chancey (his name in the movie) and I've spent a lifetime as a leading lady. What could I possibly learn by watching?
Maybe riding a slow train for awhile won't develop a bad habit - just a different perspective.