Films do a great job of capturing the old days and moments in time that we all do well to remember. But sometimes I miss listening to stories about the old days when my mother used to tell it from her perspective. Her voice was so passionate even when her descriptions were vague and you always felt the shock or fear.
One of her stories about the real abduction and murder of a small girl in Ontario froze us in terror and we never failed to jump into the ditch just from the SOUND of a car coming around the corner when we were out walking. After that, the mere mention of her name -Tomasina Baker- would conjure the image of her lifeless body and possibly our own demise if we would not obey.
After she became religious the scary stories were about the future, world events, being ready for the rapture. Again her passion kept us clinging in fear though its hard to jump into the ditch every time you screwed up your life so the next best thing was to go back to church and get right with God. But I can see the training she instilled in every one of us about fear. Even the Bible talks about fear being the beginning of wisdom.
There is a healthy aspect in being afraid at times. It may be that sixth sense that tells us something isn't right. It could be that moment when our conscience reminds us about a wrong choice and being fearful of the consequences.
Either way she instilled in us a lifelong lesson to pay attention when you feel fear or at least acknowledge it.
Of course sometimes you have to feel it then do it anyway. Did I ever tell you about the time....