How is it possible that some women can get all the way to their 50's and be so delusional about themselves? You know -the ones that masquerade as a younger version of themselves and never reach a graceful maturity. I wonder why a lot because I'm meeting more of them though the male version is easier to spot, because it has a name: Male menopause. The men become teenagers again. Sad as that is it's worse when women do it. The aging process is not as kind to us as it is to men.
"Men get better looking as they age but women just get old" is something my own mother would always say.
If a woman is fortunate enough to preserve her youthful appearance why can't her personality still show the experience of all those decades? Shouldn't that be as appealing and desirable?
I played a tournament with a lady whose entire game was spent acting like a spoiled six year old instead of the 60 year old she actually was. She looked good for sixty though.
I know another pretty lady who has more experiences than most have in a lifetime but she spends her days searching for true love based on how attracted they are to her looks!
They forget to value the wisdom that comes from their experiences and their story.
You can't stop this aging process. It twists and turns and every decade gathers years that may or may not show at all. But inside on the pages of your mind, an epic unfolds waiting to be shared.