In case you didn't realize it your parents are aging right before your eyes. You may consider them ageless because they look the same as they always have, but their reflexes and processing skills are slowing down -waaaay down.
When you were little they used to allow you to think you were smarter - but now that the tables are reversed and you
are smarter than they are (or are they just letting you think that?) navigating cell phones, computers, cameras,and everything else that comes with a friggin icon to interpret can really send a senior into a state of exasperation not to mention a total state of fear.
Frustration sets in first after initially reasoning - how difficult can this be if any beautiful girl( see photo) can do it? But as easy as it is to read the instruction manuals -
maintaining the information for recall in a crowded noisy mall is NOT. Thats where I begin to realize I may be "gone by" - a frequently used expression my mother in law for fruits and vegetables still in the refridgerator for more than a day.
Its not that I mind getting older so much; I just fear the speed with which it is happening. And so many of the skills that where important when I was younger don't even count anymore. Who needs sewing or musical instrument skills, when you can show creativity with tattoos or plug into an ipod!
Just try asking a young person with some help with your blue tooth connection. They don't need
no stinking manuals no matter what make or model you have. A few seconds in their hands and with lightening dexterity - ZAP -POW -its no problem lady.
I think I have gained quite a lot of admiration for this next generation after all.