While taking a bath (where I do most of my serious ponderings)I remembered last fall seeing a single Canada goose crossing the road I travel frequently on the way to the freeway. This same single goose day after day was there as if waiting for something - and then I realized it should have flown south with the rest of the flocks weeks ago and yet here he(or she) was wondering the roadside as if searching for something.Oh, I knew why - the mate was missing, or dead, and the one left was definitely not leaving without something or someone.
Geese are one of the species that mate for life. One mate - for life. Wolves mate for life too. And Eagles. I'm not a biologist by any means but I'd say that sets a pretty good example for the rest of us civilized beings to follow.
My twin daughter Jillian will be married next month to a very fine young man from a good and kind, hard working family. I hope that she will find a devotion equivalent to the goose in my path that day. It is the best I could wish for any young couple because I know that kind of love myself.
One love forever - there's nothing that compares to that!
1 comment:
Yes, it makes you wonder if that goose is even capable of finding another mate.
One love forever. We should all be so lucky.
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